01 May

Notebook Thoughts: Google vs Facebook Ecommerce Solutions

This is simple guide of ecommerce advertising solutions offered by Google and Facebook / Instagram. There is, of course, a lot more to it than the brief descriptions provided below.

SHOPS: Googles Shopping is basically a shopping channel where products are searchable but transactions occur at the brand’s website. IG/FB shops are online stores where transactions can take place within the app or at the brand’s website

PRODUCT LISTINGS: Google Shopping Ads, also known as Product Listing Ads, are single product ad units. Facebook’s equivalent are the Dynamic Product Ads.

MULTI-PRODUCT LISTINGS: Showcase Shopping Ads and Carousel Ads are Google and Facebook’s respective product ad units that allows for the listing of multiple related or unrelated products.

VIDEO ADS: Video Ads on Google can be served on YouTube or across the Google Display Network. Formats vary and can include live-streaming. FB/IG’s video ads can appear in Feed or Stories and can also include live-streaming.

DISPLAY ADS: Google’s display ads can be served across the Google Display Network. Similar to video, FB/IG’s display ads can appear in Feed or Stories as well as through the Facebook Audience Network.

SEARCH ADS: Google Search Ads are ad units that appear alongside search results based on relevant keywords. They can include ad extensions which allow the brand to include product or business details.

COLLABORATIVE ADS: Facebook Collaborative Ads allow brands that sell products through retailers and merchants to run direct sales campaigns

26 May

Notebook Thoughts: Using Social Media to Measure Brand Health

Rather than using sentiment as a proxy for brand health, we should embrace a new model that measures the health of brands in the context of the competitive set and category ecosystem. The model looks at two core areas; Perception and Engagement. On the Perception side we focus on key areas that define thoughts and feelings about the brand. The Engagement side quantifies the reach and strength of the brand and its messaging. All volumes are weighed against sentiment, to ensure that brands are not rewarded for negatively driven spikes in activity. Both Perception and Engagement consist of four distinct areas of measurement:


  • Value: perception of the usefulness and benefit of a product compared to the price charged for it
  • Quality: general level of satisfaction with the way a product works and its ability to work as intended
  • Aspiration: expressing a longing or wish to own the product or to be associated with the product’s qualities
  • Differentiation: the extend to which social media users draw distinctions between the qualities and characteristics of the brand and its competitors


  • Presence: the size of a brand’s owned social communities weighed with the sentiment expressed by the community members toward the brand
  • Influence: the ability of a brand to earn unaided mentions as well as have its messaging amplified and shared by the social media community
  • Virality: the number of unique people engaged in conversations with or about the brand; weighed with the sentiment expressed by those users
  • Resonance: the ability of a brand to engage users with its content and elicit reactions from them