01 May

Notebook Thoughts: Google vs Facebook Ecommerce Solutions

This is simple guide of ecommerce advertising solutions offered by Google and Facebook / Instagram. There is, of course, a lot more to it than the brief descriptions provided below.

SHOPS: Googles Shopping is basically a shopping channel where products are searchable but transactions occur at the brand’s website. IG/FB shops are online stores where transactions can take place within the app or at the brand’s website

PRODUCT LISTINGS: Google Shopping Ads, also known as Product Listing Ads, are single product ad units. Facebook’s equivalent are the Dynamic Product Ads.

MULTI-PRODUCT LISTINGS: Showcase Shopping Ads and Carousel Ads are Google and Facebook’s respective product ad units that allows for the listing of multiple related or unrelated products.

VIDEO ADS: Video Ads on Google can be served on YouTube or across the Google Display Network. Formats vary and can include live-streaming. FB/IG’s video ads can appear in Feed or Stories and can also include live-streaming.

DISPLAY ADS: Google’s display ads can be served across the Google Display Network. Similar to video, FB/IG’s display ads can appear in Feed or Stories as well as through the Facebook Audience Network.

SEARCH ADS: Google Search Ads are ad units that appear alongside search results based on relevant keywords. They can include ad extensions which allow the brand to include product or business details.

COLLABORATIVE ADS: Facebook Collaborative Ads allow brands that sell products through retailers and merchants to run direct sales campaigns

24 Feb

Notebook Thoughts: The Foundation of a Great Data Story

Telling a great data story begins with framing the what and the how of the questions we would like to answer. We can use our data to compare, diagnose and discover information or insights about relationships/connections, shifts over time and attributes/behaviors. However, the best answers usually are the product of a creative combination of approaches and datasets.

03 Nov

Notebook Thoughts – Understanding Marketing Funnel Types

Although it is important that brands define customer relationships through the lens of the consumer journey, it is helpful sometimes to think of funnels when trying to optimize customer acquisition. Brands lacking a strong acquisition strategy tend to fall into one of four funnel types: Transactional, Viral, Salesforce, Bottleneck.

Transactional – Typically commodity, price-inelastic brands with focus on a low cost product or service but not a quality product nor user experience.

Viral – A popular product or service where the brand is unprepared to handle the high demand. Products are often out of stock or ecommerce website crashes because it cannot handle volume. Customer support also falls short.

Salesforce – Typically a B2B brands where transactions are driven by its salesforce but lacks both a strong marketing strategy or product/customer support.

Bottleneck –  This is the opposite of the Salesforce Funnel. Where marketing and customer support are very strong but the salesforce infrastructure cannot handle the volume of transactions.